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Community Advisory Committee

The City of Austin, CapMetro and the Austin Transit Partnership have created an advisory committee to advise all 3 partners on topics related to equity and Project Connect, including efforts to curb displacement along the Project Connect system.

Upcoming meetings:

  • Thurs, August 8 | 5:00 PM | ATP Office | 203 Colorado St, Austin, Texas| Agenda | Register

  • Thursday, Sept 12
  • Thursday, Oct 10
  • Thursday, Nov 14
  • Thursday, Dec 12

Previous Meetings

Agenda packetsMeeting Minutes/DocsMedia
December 8, 2022-AgendaBackup Materials | Minutes Video
November 10, 2022-AgendaBackup Materials | ATX Transit Report | MinutesVideo
October 13, 2022-AgendaBackup Materials | MinutesVideo
September 8, 2022MEETING CANCELLED 
August 11, 2022-AgendaBackup MaterialsVideo
July 14, 2022- AgendaBackup Materials | MinutesVideo
June 9, 2022 - AgendaBackup Materials | MinutesVideo
May 12, 2022 - CANCELLEDMeeting cancelled due to lack of quorum 
March 23, 2022 - AgendaAnti-Displacement Presentation | DRAFT Anti-Displacement WG Reco | MinutesVideo
March 10, 2022 - Meeting AgendaStaff Updates | Sustainability Vision Plan | Budget Outline | ETOD | MinutesVideo
February 23, 2022 - Meeting AgendaBackup Materials | MinutesVideo
January 26, 2022 - Meeting AgendaBackup Materials | MinutesVideo

Project Connect Community Advisory Committee members:

  • Awais Azhar, Chair | Email
  • Gretchen Flatau, Vice Chair | Email
  • Susan Somers, Secretary | Email
  • Ruven Brooks | Email
  • João Paulo (J.P.) Connolly | Email
  • Jay Blazek Crossley | Email

To provide feedback during committee meetings or, if you are interested in joining a Working Group Committee, please email


Awais Azhar
João Paulo (J.P.) Connolly
Jay Blazek Crossley
Jeremy Hendricks

Equitable Transit Oriented Development

Ruven Brooks
Jay Blazek Crossley
Mike Gorse
Susan Somers


Awais Azhar
João Paulo (J.P.) Connolly
Gretchen Flatau
Jeremy Hendricks

Austin Light Rail Design

Awais Azhar
Ruven Brooks
Jay Blazek Crossley
Cshamari Reed
Susan Somers

Public Safety

Awais Azhar
João Paulo (J.P.) Connolly
Gretchen Flatau
Elisabeth Meyer
Susan Somers

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are examples of the topics the committee may advise on:

  • What transit-supportive anti-displacement tools and strategies the city should deploy
  • Community involvement and communications during the Project Connect environmental process
  • Design features of the system, particularly those that are intended to serve people with disabilities or people who need to use the system in different ways (such as parents traveling with strollers)
  • Creation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to equity

The Nominating Committee will consist of:

  • Chairs, or a Committee Member designee of the Chair
  • ATP Board Community Expert Director
  • City Council Mobility Committee
  • Current Member of the Community Advising Committee
  • CapMetro Finance, Audit and Administration Committee
  • CapMetro Operations, Planning and Safety Committee.

11 community members appointed by a nominating committee (see details below for how to apply)

Staff anticipates hosting a monthly meeting of the committee. Some meetings will be shorter (about an hour) and others longer (a few hours), depending on the topics on the agenda and the discussion among the committee. 

In December 2023, CAC By-laws were updated to allow for staggered terms of members.  CAC members appointed in January 2024 have either 2 or 4 year terms. Future members will have 4 year terms.

While not a required time commitment, staff is hopeful that members of the committee will also uplift the community understanding of Project Connect outside of formal committee meetings. This may mean sharing information with personal networks, attending community engagement meetings, etc. This is “extracurricular” and not a requirement to serve on the committee. 

The advisory committee is anticipated to meet monthly. Once the committee members are identified, staff will work with them to identify an appropriate meeting schedule.  In addition, committee members participate in working groups that may meet between monthly meetings.

The meeting location is at the ATP Office, located at 203 Colorado St, Austin, TX 78701.  Hybrid options are available for members who cannot participate in person.

Yes! The Project Connect program includes many projects over the course of a 13-year timeline. There will be plenty of opportunities for all members of the Austin community to participate.